Шановні громадяни України,
Кабінет чеської мови для іноземців приймає заявки на участь в курсах чеської мови для громадян України. Вартість навчання була зменшена так, щоб кожен міг приєднатися до курсу з оглядом на свої фінансові можливості.
Якщо ви зацікавлені, будь ласка, напишіть нам на електронну адресу kabcest@phil.muni.cz і чекайте на подальші інструкції.
Курси призначені для тих, хто може підтвердити свій статус українського біженця («тимчасового захисту») штампом або візою в паспорті.
Кількість місць на курсах обмежена.
Чекаємо на вас!
The scholarship programme to support study stays of foreign students of Czech Studies is intended for students of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programmes of Czech Studies at foreign universities to support their study stays carried out at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University to study Czech language, literature and culture.
The scholarship programme to support study stays of foreign students of Czech Studies is regulated by the Measure of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University No. 3/2021.
The Dean of Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, awards six three-month scholarships and Department of Czech for Foreigners four, each worth 12 000 CZK per month. (From autumn semester 2024/25, the scholarship will be increased from the original 8 000 CZK.)
The scholarship is intended to cover the costs of accommodation and meals. Czech language lessons are provided by the Department of Czech for Foreigners free of charge.
The scholarship is always granted for the autumn semester (October to December) of the given academic year.
The scholarship is intended for students of departments of Czech Studies of foreign universities.
Scholarship applicants must have a good knowledge of Czech language in order to follow the lectures and attend seminars conducted in Czech.
In exceptional case this scholarship may be awarded to students of the following fields of study of the Faculty of Arts: psychology, English language and literature, German language and literature, Romance languages and literature etc. (Award of this scholarship is conditional on applicants’ prior agreement with their respective institution.)
Scholarship holders can use the students' canteen, and accommodation will be arranged for them in halls of residence. The cost of a single bed in a two-bed room is about 6 500 CZK per month.
The scholarship does not cover health insurance.
Scholarship application containing all the required attachments must be submitted exclusively electronically via the ISOIS information system (Program: Scholarships; Faculty at MU: Faculty of Arts).
We recommend you to send the scholarship application containing all the required attachments to the e-mail address of the Department of Czech for Foreigners (kabcest@phil.muni.cz) as well.
Mandatory attachments to the scholarship application:
- letter of motivation (cover letter) in Czech language,
- structured CV (Curriculum Vitae, resumé) in Czech language,
- letter of recommendation in Czech or English language from at least one professor of Czech Studies or from the Department of Slavonic Studies where the current study abroad is taking place.
An incomplete application, an application not containing all the required attachments and an application not submitted via the ISOIS information system will be automatically excluded from processing without eligibility for a scholarship.
Scholarship applications incl. required attachments must be submitted no later than on 30th April of the given year. (Application deadline has been extended to May 31, 2024.)
You will be informed about the results by 30th June of the given year.