Шановні громадяни України,
Кабінет чеської мови для іноземців приймає заявки на участь в курсах чеської мови для громадян України. Вартість навчання була зменшена так, щоб кожен міг приєднатися до курсу з оглядом на свої фінансові можливості.
Якщо ви зацікавлені, будь ласка, напишіть нам на електронну адресу kabcest@phil.muni.cz і чекайте на подальші інструкції.
Курси призначені для тих, хто може підтвердити свій статус українського біженця («тимчасового захисту») штампом або візою в паспорті.
Кількість місць на курсах обмежена.
Чекаємо на вас!
Czech for Erasmus Students
All international students coming through Centre for International Cooperation exchange programmes can attend Czech language courses for all levels (beginners, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) organized by the Department of Czech for Foreigners, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University.
February 17 - May 16, 2025 (exact days and hours will be announced after the evaluation of the placement test)
Department of Czech for Foreigners, Faculty of Arts, Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno.
*In the case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation or lasting governmental and university restrictions, tuition will take place online.
Contact Person
Petr Šipka, (+420) 549 49 5970, kabcest@phil.muni.cz
How often
4 academic hours (200 minutes) per week, i.e. 52 academic hours per semester, or |
8 academic hours (400 minutes) per week, i.e. 104 academic hours per semester |
Students of higher levels may attend additional courses like stylistics, phonetics, orthography, interpretation of a literary text, creative writing, translator seminars etc.
Registration and Placement Test
Monday, February 17 and Tuesday, February 18, 2025 (choose one term only) at 9:00 a.m. at the Department of Czech for Foreigners (building D, Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno). You do not have to register for the placement test, just show up.
The placement test also counts as a registration and therefore it is compulsory even for absolute beginners.
After the evaluation of the placement test, students are placed into study groups/levels (Beginners I – Beginners II – Pre-intermediate – Intermediate – Advanced – Very advanced) according to their knowledge of Czech.
8 credits in the case of 4 academic hours per week + certificate, or |
at least 14 credits in the case of 8 academic hours per week + certificate |
Course participants must have 75% active class attendance to be allowed to take the final exams. Late arrival to in-person classes or joining an online class late also counts as an absence. Only absence due to illness (backed up by a medical confirmation) does not count.
Course participants must pass the final exams in order to obtain the credits.
Price and Payment
2 400 CZK (ca. 100 EUR) in the case of 4 academic hours per week + certificate, or |
4 450 CZK (ca. 180 EUR) in the case of 8 academic hours per week + certificate |
Students who study Czech language as their main field of study or for whom it is compulsory, do not need to pay for it. ISEP direct, TESOL TE and CESP scholarship holders do not need to pay for it either.
The money is to be transferred to the Masaryk University account. Either by cash payment at the counters of any bank or by cashless payment (money transfer) from any Czech or international bank. Keep the confirmation of the payment, send it by e-mail or bring it with you to the placement test.
Beneficiary: | Masarykova univerzita, Žerotínovo nám. 9, 601 77 Brno, Czech Republic |
Account number: | 85636621/0100 |
Variable symbol: | 2174000621 |
IBAN: | CZ43 0100 0000 0000 8563 6621 |
Bank address: | Komerční banka (Regionální pobočka Brno), nám. Svobody 21, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic |
The applicant is required to pay the bank charges.
School fees will not be refunded. If a student has classes at the same time as Czech classes, students will be able to attend another course at the same level according to their request, if possible.
Course Codes and Learning Agreement
Course codes will be given to you in the first lesson, i.e. after the evaluation of the placement test based on your current level of knowledge of the Czech language. Add them to the Learning Agreement afterwards, do not fill them in before the placement test!
You can enroll in the course in the MU Information System after you receive the course codes from your teacher in the first lesson, do not enroll in advance. All applications for course enrolment permission/exception submitted before the first lesson will be rejected.