Шановні громадяни України,
Кабінет чеської мови для іноземців приймає заявки на участь у вже розпочатих безкоштовних курсах чеської мови для українських біженців, які проходять раз на тиждень.
Якщо ви зацікавлені, будь ласка, напишіть нам на електронну адресу kabcest@phil.muni.cz і чекайте на запрошення для написання вступного тесту.
Курси призначені для тих, хто може підтвердити свій статус українського біженця штампом або візою в паспорті.
Кількість місць на курсах обмежена.


academic year 2024/25

Language and Professional Preparation for Studies at Czech University

The Department of Czech for Foreigners offers year‑long language and professional preparation for studies under an accredited university study pursuant to section 64, letter b) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic.

The language preparation is intended for beginners, pre‑intermediate, intermediate, advanced and very advanced (A0 to C2 according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Language and professional preparation for studies at Czech university

in-person classes

Czech Language Courses for Foreigners 2024/25

The Department of Czech for Foreigners is accepting applications for Czech Language Courses for Foreigners for the academic year 2024/25:
- autumn semester: 16. 09. - 13. 12. 2024
- spring semester: 17. 02. - 16. 05. 2025


Intensive Course of Czech for Foreigners 2025

27. 1. - 7. 2. 2025

The Department of Czech for Foreigners is accepting applications for the Intensive Course of Czech for Foreigners. The entrance test takes place on Monday, January 27, 2025.

online classes

Individual Online Classes of Czech for Foreigners

The Department of Czech for Foreigners is accepting applications for individual online classes of Czech for foreigners. The course can start within ten days after submission of an application.

in-person classes

Individual Study Programme

The Department of Czech for Foreigners is accepting applications for the individual study programme (course type "D50" or "D25"), which can be commenced at any time based on the needs of the applicant.

Summer School of Slavonic (Czech) Studies 2025

26. 7. - 23. 8. 2025

The Department of Czech for Foreigners is accepting applications for the Summer School of Slavonic (Czech) Studies. The opening ceremony takes place on Monday, July 28, 2025.

“Language is the very soul and culture of a nation.”

Karel Čapek

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