Шановні громадяни України,
Кабінет чеської мови для іноземців приймає заявки на участь в курсах чеської мови для громадян України. Вартість навчання була зменшена так, щоб кожен міг приєднатися до курсу з оглядом на свої фінансові можливості.
Якщо ви зацікавлені, будь ласка, напишіть нам на електронну адресу kabcest@phil.muni.cz і чекайте на подальші інструкції.
Курси призначені для тих, хто може підтвердити свій статус українського біженця («тимчасового захисту») штампом або візою в паспорті.
Кількість місць на курсах обмежена.
Чекаємо на вас!

Online Classes

The Department of Czech for Foreigners offers the following individual online courses, which can be combined with and supplemented by other forms of study.

Dates and time

According to student's individual needs - in your application give your preferred start date, number of academic hours a week and your preferred days/times of classes.

Types of course

S50. Individual study programme of Czech for foreigners (online classes)
(for beginners, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced)
/50 academic hours according to student's individual needs/
990 EUR
S25. Individual study programme of Czech for foreigners (online classes)
(for beginners, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced)
/25 academic hours according to student's individual needs/
495 EUR

Payment details

Course price must be transferred to the following account kept in CZK.
If you are transferring from a foreign currency into CZK you should use Middle Exchange Rate of Czech National Bank (CNB Middle) for the given day.

Beneficiary: Masarykova univerzita, Žerotínovo nám. 9, 601 77 Brno, Czech Republic
Account number: 85636621/0100
Bank address: Komerční banka (Regionální pobočka Brno), nám. Svobody 21, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ43 0100 0000 0000 8563 6621
Variable symbol: 2174000621

The applicant is required to pay the bank charges.

Cancellation conditions

Applicants who cancel their participation in the Czech course before its beginning will be refunded 75 % of the school‑fee. The money will be returned by bank transfer only
Participants who, for any reason, cancel their participation in the Czech course after the date of its beginning are not entitled to a refund of the school‑fee paid.
Participants who stop attending classes are not entitled to a refund of the school‑fee paid.


Courses will conclude with a final written exam in grammar and conversation (lexical-stylistic exercises, essay) and an oral examination in conversation, depending on the level of study.

A certificate with ECTS credits and classification of the level of knowledge of the Czech language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will be issued based on the results of the final exams.


Senior and assistent lecturers of the Department of Czech for Foreigners.


Classes for total beginners are taught based on English.

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